Simpler services for patients and healthcare professionals
Among others, the Directorate of Health, the Directorate for e-Health and Norwegian Health Network
Graphic illustration of the project
Through the Stimulab DBEP project, the aim was to simplify everyday life in the health sector through a holistic approach to patient care.

If you become seriously ill today, the chances are high that the meeting with parts of the healthcare system will be experienced as both complicated and fragmented. 

"Stimulab Digital treatment and self-treatment plans" would change the way healthcare professionals interacted with each other and the patient. The aim was to design a flexible and interdisciplinary approach to national, digital treatment and self-treatment plans, where both the GP, nurses and various specialists contribute.

In this way, the patient himself would experience increased service quality. In addition, those with chronic diseases and multiple disease patterns will experience increased patient safety. 

High complexity

The project started in 2020 and lasted one year. The implementation of the solution is carried out under the auspices of Norsk Helsenett and is planned to be carried out during 2022. 

The project was of high complexity and involved many actors, including the Directorate of Health, the Directorate for e-Health, the Norwegian Health Network, various patient associations, the General Practitioners' Association and several research environments.

Multi-level design

Through several years of collaboration, Halogen and Rambøll have assisted clients in the public sector with understanding and simplifying the complexity of administration.

In this project, we worked on developing an innovative digital concept where the user experience should motivate and engage. We based our solution on a thorough understanding of the needs of the most important target groups. We did this with the help of: 

● Deep insight into the users' experience of their own situation 

● Co -creative design sprint methodology

● High degree of involvement from the user groups throughout the project

Anchoring prototype

The idea behind the project was to use the solution to create anchoring, ownership and commitment. This was crucial for a successful implementation. 

We did this by integrating different disciplines: system-oriented design, service design, digital design and integrated work between design and other methods.

Remote working workshops

A confounding factor was that most of the project was carried out during a pandemic shutdown. 

Since the project was therefore mainly carried out as a fully digital remote working project, we had to develop new methods for, among other things, digital workshops with many participants. These methods are now part of Halogen's growing toolbox for digital remote working.

Male employee writes with dry erase marker on whiteboard in meeting room
Male employee writes with dry erase marker on whiteboard in meeting room
Male employee writes with dry erase marker on whiteboard in meeting room
Male employee writes with dry erase marker on whiteboard in meeting room
Male employee writes with dry erase marker on whiteboard in meeting room
Male employee writes with dry erase marker on whiteboard in meeting room
Anne Zanussi
Would you like to know more? Contact us!
Anne Zanussi
+47 970 94